Musee Tomo

Art & Architecture

Musee Tomo is located on a quiet hill in the Tora-no-mon area in the Minato district. On its premises, you can find a building from the Taisho period (1912-1926) that is registered as a tangible cultural property, and the calm and quiet atmosphere is a rare find in Tokyo. In line with the vision of the museum’s founder, Tomo Kikuchi, the inside of the museum is meant to allow visitors to enjoy art in an unusual setting. Calligrapher Toko Shinoda’s ‘Portrait of a Woman’ and the spiral staircase by glass artist Naoto Yokoyama have become symbols of the museum.

Spot Name
Musee Tomo
Postal Code
4-1-35 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Telephone Number
Art & Architecture