Mikiko Horikiri

Mikiko Horikiri

  • English
  • Kyushu Association of Interpreters, Translators and Guide-Interpreters
Likes and Interests
  • History
  • Sake
  • Culture
  • Fashion
  • Nature
  • Sports
  • Gourmet
  • Animals
  • Agriculture
  • Cooking
Favorite Foods
  • Local foods Yakiniku Noodles
About Me

Hello! I’m Mikiko from Kagoshima, Japan.
I’m a National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter working based in Kyushu area.
From my experience as an international guide, I feel that prefectures in Kyushu are
related to each another very deeply in history, culture and nature. So, it can be told as one
overall story to visitors.
I’m friendly, cheerful and very flexible. I love listening to my customers very much, and very happy to make tour personalized and special according to my guest’s interests.
I’m looking forward to meeting my guests and having a great time together!