Yoshie Hara

Yoshie Hara

  • Japanese, English
  • 四条畷市
  • Institute for Japanese Culture Experience and Education
Likes and Interests
  • Music
  • Movies
  • History
  • Culture
  • Nature
  • Sports
  • Art
  • Cooking
  • Crafts
Favorite Foods
  • Sushi Soba noodle Takoyaki etc.
Countries where I have lived
  • USA(1.5 year) China(2 years)
About Me

I am a National licensed guide with 14 years experience as FIT, group etc.

Much of my considerable experience and expertise is in history, culture, nature etc.
Since I have a great interest in Koyasan and Kumano Kodo area, I acquired another license, Koya & Kumano Area License in 2022.
If you are interested in hiking in this region, I am happy to guide you.