Sakie Urakami

Sakie Urakami

  • Japanese, English
  • Kumamoto
  • JFG新合格者関西研修、KGK新人研修、K−iTG新人研修、K-iTG旅程管理主任者研修、K-iTG医療通訳他日本文化及び九州各県をテーマにした多数の研修を受講、観光庁「全国通訳案内士向け文化観光施設における研修」
  • Kyushu Association of Interpreters, Translators and Guide-Interpreters
Likes and Interests
  • Music
  • History
  • Anime・Manga
  • Sake
  • Culture
  • Nature
  • Sports
  • Gourmet
  • Cooking
  • Crafts
Favorite Foods
  • Sake Wine Sashimi BBQ
Countries where I have lived
  • Australia Sydney
About Me

Hello, I'm Saki!
I am absolutely thrilled to be your guide to the enchanting wonders of Amakusa, Kumamoto, and the broader Kyushu region.

As a native of Amakusa, Kumamoto, I have a deep connection to this area, having lived until completing high school. After spending 15 exciting years in Osaka and Tokyo for university and work, I couldn't resist the magnetic pull of my hometown and returned to Amakusa, realizing just how irresistibly charming it truly is.

With my National Licensed English Speaking Guide certification earned in 2018, I've led tour excursions, private tours, Christian tours, and FAM trips, primarily in the Kyushu area. Additionally, my experiences traveling for business and leisure in Europe and various Asian countries have allowed me to immerse myself in diverse cultures and meet incredible people from all walks of life.

Kyushu, without a doubt, harbors countless hidden treasures waiting to be uncovered and popular tourist destinations that will leave you in awe. It is my heartfelt goal to share the allure of this region with people from all corners of the globe. So, prepare for an unforgettable journey as we embark on an adventure together.

I look forward to meeting you!