Sachiko Asakawa

Sachiko Asakawa

  • Japanese, English
  • Kochi
  • 通訳案内士研修(IJCEE), 観光庁研修
Likes and Interests
  • Culture
  • Nature
  • Cooking
Favorite Foods
  • Grilled eel Sushi Kung pao chicken
Countries where I have lived
  • Japan Osaka/Hyogo/Kochi USA Pennsylvania/Mississippi/Arizona
About Me

Are you ready for something beyond the typical sightseeing?
My name is Sachko Asakawa. I moved back to my hometown, Muroto, about 15 years ago to enjoy a slow life. Here we have things that are already lost in the big cities. And I believe that there are hidden gems in the way people live with nature here. My passion is to help visitors get close to the local way of life through unique, tailor-made tours.
So, come and spend time with the locals. Be stimulated, refreshed and inspired! I’ll be here to create a unique and memorable experience with you.